Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

At Cronin Group we aim to proactively support our local community and play our part in protecting our natural environment. We pride ourselves on building long lasting relationships with the charities and organisations we support. Below are just some of the links we have formed over many years.

Home Farm Football Club


We support Home Farm through a 5 year sponsorship deal. The deal will provide some much needed funding to help the club continue its great work encouraging and supporting local young people to develop their skills, not only in football, but in being part of a team and experiencing the benefits of training. These are life skills that they take with them into the world of work.

Bowling League of Ireland


We are delighted to support the Bowling League of Ireland Academy part of the controlling bodies for Lawn Bowling in the Republic of Ireland. The Academy encourages and supports the next generation of talent in Lawn Bowling.

Mulhuddart Mens Sheds


As part of our business operations we endeavour to minimise waste and we actively encourage recycling and reuse. Our support to Mulhuddart Men’s Shed includes providing broken pallets and offcuts from export crating that can be repurposed by this fantastic group.

Industrial Meadow


At our Dublin base on the edge of the Industrial Estate, we have increased our focus on our natural environment. On our property we are embracing biodiversity by cultivating a mini-meadow with wild grasses and flowers to support pollination and provide a habitat that encourages insects and birds. We have also upcycled off-cuts of timber from our crating work to make bird boxes, which cater for different species of birds and have been hung up adjacent to our meadow.

Peter McVerry Wexford Cycle


Every year the Peter McVerry Cycle – a 130km cycle from Dublin to Wexford raises vital funds for the Peter McVerry Trust. This well-known charity is a national housing and homeless charity committed to reducing homelessness and the harm caused by substance misuse and social disadvantage. Our Cronin Group team provide our free time and cover the costs of running support vehicles for the cyclists taking part in this worthwhile charity event.